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There are many steps in one’s recovery for substance abuse and addiction. The first step would be for an individual to undergo the detox process.

This initial phase is when a person rids his or her body of the abused substance or substances. After the detox stage, most individuals continue with treatment by participating in an outpatient substance abuse or addiction treatment program or moving into a residential treatment facility. These programs help a person learn healthy, sober habits and work to change unhealthy patterns. They also help a person reintegrate into one’s life without the use of drugs or alcohol. Each treatment program will be slightly different, but the overall goal of them remains consistent: to help a person learn to live a sober life. Once an individual successfully completes a substance abuse or addiction treatment program he or she is face with many options regarding aftercare.

Aftercare is used as a term to describe any further, ongoing, or follow-up treatment for individuals who suffer from substance abuse or addiction, post the completion of a rehab treatment program.

An integral part of all treatment programs is to provide each exiting individual with a uniquely tailored aftercare plan. The goals of an aftercare plan are to provide an individual with a relapse prevention plan and tips for how to maintain one’s recovery from substance abuse. This plan is typically created with the help of a clinician and takes a person’s distinctive needs into consideration.  There are a number of aftercare options available for people who successfully complete a substance abuse or addiction treatment program.

Sober Living

A sober living facility is an excellent aftercare option for individuals who have completed a substance abuse or addiction treatment program. Every sober living facility will be slightly different. This will allow a person to make sure that facility he or she selects can be a great match to support his or her own unique needs. In a sober living facility individuals will reside in one residence with other people who are sober. The length of time a person spends residing in a sober living facility will vary and will depend on each person. There are sober living facilities that are co-ed and others that are gender specific. Every sober living facility will have its own set of “house rules” by which each resident must abide. The rules in each sober living facility will vary in severity as will the level of expectations required of each resident. A fantastic benefit of transitioning from a treatment program back into society in a sober living facility is that there will be consistent care available for its residents. Additionally, the temptations and triggers are somewhat lessened in this controlled environment. Each individual living in a sober living facility must maintain his or her sobriety. This can create a wonderful network of individuals who share a common goal.

Support Groups

For individuals who do not wish to move from his or her treatment program to a sober living facility, it is essential that he or she maintain a healthy support system. This can provide individuals with ongoing support and encouragement. There are twelve-step groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) that are held all over the country. These groups can help to build a sober social network for individuals in recovery. There are also peer recovery support networks that provide an individual with a case manager and peer support (by someone in recovery). This can help support a person with his or her ongoing recovery goals.

One of the reasons why an aftercare plan is essential to an individual’s recovery process is due to the fact that long-term substance abuse and addiction can alter the normal functioning of one’s brain.

In some cases, over time, this can be remedied, but the effects of substance abuse and addiction can last far beyond the time an individual ceases his or her substance abuse.

Further Information

The process that a person must go through to treat substance abuse or addiction is a lifelong process. Substance abuse and addiction can lead to dangerous consequences, and in some cases, death, if left untreated. If you or someone you know is suffering from substance abuse or addiction, please get help as soon as possible. Do not hesitate to reach out to us for further information or with any questions regarding substance abuse or addiction. We are available anytime via telephone at: 213-389-9964, or you can always email us at:

Contact Us

Call (213) 389-9964 or fill out the form below to reach Peggy Albrecht Friendly House.

Residential Treatment

(213) 389-8810

Sober Living


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