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Sober living facilities are group homes for individuals who have recently completed a substance abuse and/ or addiction treatment program that wish to move into transitional housing prior to returning home. Sober livings offer an in-between option that is a step down from traditional substance abuse and/ or addiction treatment programs. Instead of immediately returning home, sober living facilities offer a greater level of support in a community environment, while residents continue integrating the newly learned tools and skills related to becoming self-reliant while maintaining sobriety. The purpose of a sober living to is to enable its residents take the necessary preparatory steps to fully reintegrate into society and further strengthen a foundation of recovery to enable prolonged and sustained sobriety.  According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the length of time an individual spends in substance abuse treatment (including sober living) can directly increase his or her outcome in recovery. 

Finding A Sober Living Home

Most substance abuse and addiction treatment programs will discuss the possibility of moving into a sober living facility prior to the completion of the program. Any substance abuse and addiction treatment program will be an excellent resource for locating a sober living facility. Sober living facilities are typically privately owned and operated. Each sober living facility will offer different amenities, have its own set of house rules and associated consequences when rules are not followed, have distinct expectations for its residents, and will vary in cost. There is a wide variety of sober living options: from luxury sober living homes to modest sober living homes and everywhere in-between. To narrow down your options consider the following tips:

  • Be clear with your preferences: understand your own preferences and make sure the sober living home you are considering can accommodate them. 
  • Ask questions: do not be afraid to ask any questions that may come to mind regarding the sober living home. 
  • Availability: even if you find the perfect sober living residence, if they do not have any open spaces, it is best to move on to the next option. 
  • Location: make sure the location of the sober living is geographically feasible.
  • Cost: Make sure costs associated with residing in the sober living home of your choice are not financially prohibitive. 

Everyone will have his or her own list of must-have amenities when it comes to sober living homes. Provided a sober living facility can accommodate one’s needs, regardless of whether it is classified as a luxury sober living, residing there can yield the same positive results. Every individual is different and will have unique needs and preferences when it comes to recovering from substance abuse and/ or addiction. 

For Information and Support 

Substance abuse and addiction can be incredibly dangerous and can result in severe short and long-term consequences. If you or someone you know is suffering from substance abuse or addiction, please get help as soon as possible. The earlier you seek support, the sooner you and your loved ones can return to leading happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives. There is no reason to go through this alone, and we are here to help. Please feel free to reach out to us for further information or with any questions regarding substance abuse or addiction. We are available anytime via telephone at: 213-389-9964, or you can always email us at:
