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7 Reasons To Meditate

Meditation is a practice by which an individual works to connect with and transform the mind. There are a number of different ways a person can meditate.

The more traditional type of meditation is done while seated, and a person will focus on some internal or outside stimuli (an image, one’s own breath, a phrase, a color…etc.) for a designated period of time. The person does this quietly with the intention to clear his or her mind. The reason for the external or internal stimuli is because it is extremely challenging to simply and fully clear one’s mind; a person must first practice acknowledging his or her thoughts and then allow them to pass by, returning one’s focus to his or her chosen phrase, color, breath, image…etc. Meditation can benefit anyone, especially those who have struggled with substance abuse or addiction. Substance abuse and addiction can alter one’s proper brain functioning abilities. Throughout one’s substance abuse and addiction treatment process an individual will spend a significant amount of time working towards rebuilding and realigning one’s proper brain functioning abilities. Meditation is an excellent way to help with this process. Below are seven reasons why meditation can be helpful and is worth a try.

1. Stress Reduction

Taking some time to give yourself a break from the days’ happenings, to check in with yourself, can put things into perspective and also reduce your daily stress. Moreover, it has been noted that, with regular meditation you will be able to override the part of your brain that is responsible for the fear, which in turn can be helpful in coping with and even alleviating or reducing one’s stress levels.

2. Boost Immune System

Studies have shown that meditation can help to improve one’s respiratory system. Furthermore, there has been research that links regular meditation to fewer respiratory illnesses. Attaining a deeper connection with yourself through meditation can also help to motivate a person to live a healthier lifestyle. This in turn, can encourage a person to make more nutritious food choices and participate in a regular exercise regimen, which will have a positive effect on one’s immune system.

3. Better-quality Sleep

Learning to be able quiet your mind will inevitably help you fall asleep at night. Not only will meditation help you to fall asleep, but it will help you have better quality sleep as well. This is due to the way one’s brain actually shifts over time when a person participates a regular meditation practice.

4. Makes You Happier

Learning how to let go of your thoughts, whether it be a positive thought or negative thought can help you gain control over your emotions. Meditation has been known to decrease depression, anxiety, and stress. A regular practice of meditation also increases one’s positive emotions.

5. Better Relationships

Not only will meditation help to improve your relationship with yourself, but it will also better the relationships you have with others. Learning the intricacies of your own mind through meditation can help to increase one’s compassion, sympathy, and empathy. This will improve your relationships and ability to connect with and relate to other individuals.

6. Increased Productivity

One of the many benefits of meditation is that it helps to increase one’s focus, which in turn helps to boost one’s productivity. Regular meditation also helps to improve your ability to multitask. Additionally, there have been studies that have shown a connection between meditation and the improvement of one’s memory.

7. Improves Your Self-esteem

Meditation can help an individual to mitigate his or her impulsive acts. Acting in a less impulsive fashion can help a person to feel more centered and grounded. It can also help you to gain a better understanding of your personal motivations.

Integrating a daily meditation practice into your life can result in a myriad of benefits.

Meditation is referred to as a practice because there will forever be room for improvement. It is a skill that is intended to be continuously honed and practiced regularly. Meditation does not have known drawbacks, and is an all-around positive way to improve your quality of life.

Further Information

Substance abuse and addiction are serious conditions and if left untreated can cause irreparable harm, which may lead to death. If you or someone you know is suffering from substance abuse or addiction, please get help as soon as possible. Please feel free to reach out to us for further information or with any questions regarding substance abuse or addiction. We are available anytime via telephone at: 213-389-9964, or you can always email us at:

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